When you are fresh out of your university life, you would definitely have some thoughts or rehearsals of how your job interview would go. You know you want to look, sound and feel confident while introducing yourself. So don’t forget to work on this essential interview question, as most interviews don’t start without this question.
As the interviewer knows that you are a fresher, he/she will be looking forward to see if you have the curiosity and job readiness for the role. So when you start telling them about yourself, go beyond telling just about your native place and university degree.
The interviewer will be happy to know if you have a keen interest in developing a new skill or already skilled up on something which the job demands. Many times interviewers pick up questions from what you speak and also from your resume. So, you should hint on your strong areas. This would set the tone for the rest of the interview and you might end up being asked more questions on your strong areas during the technical questioning round.
Example: Harsh is being interviewed for a position of a Junior Python Developer.
“I’m Harsh from Jaipur. I’ve completed Masters in Information Technology. My strong areas are Python programming and its applications in statistics. I’ve completed my semester project in the same area and have developed a prediction algorithm to determine stock market rates during my internship with XYZ consultancies.
My other interests include website designing and integration with WordPress.
I’m looking forward to work with concepts like Regression and Classification and improve my Machine learning understanding and be part of an enthusiastic team.”
Above is just a sample introduction and you can quote more things about your achievements.
So relax and do your best with proper practice!
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